Download Publications Concerning
- FIFI LS getting ready to fly aboard SOFIA
(Klein et al) In: McLean I. S., Ramsey S.~K., Takami, H. (eds.),
Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy III, Proc. SPIE
7735-65, (2010)
- Verification of the optical system performance of
FIFI-LS: the field-imaging far-infrared line spectrometer for SOFIA
(Schweitzer et al.) In: McLean I. S., Casali M . M. (eds.),
Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy II, Proc. SPIE
7014, 70140Z-10 (2008)
- Characterizing the system performance of FIFI LS:
the Field-Imaging Far-Infrared Line Spectrometer for SOFIA(
Raab et al.) In: McLean I. S., Iye M. (eds.), Ground-based and Airborne
Instrumentation for Astronomy, Proc. SPIE 6269, 62691G-1 (2006)
- FIFI LS: The Far-infrared Integral Field
Spectrometer for SOFIA (Klein et al.) In: McLean I. S., Iye M.
(eds.), Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy,
Proc. SPIE 6269, 62691F-1 (2006)
- Real-time operation without a real-time operating
system for instrument control and data acquisition (Klein et
al.) In: Lewis H., Raffi G. (eds.), Advanced Software, Control, and
Communication Systems for Astronomy, Proc. SPIE 5496, 138-145 (2004)
LS: the far-infrared integral field spectrometer for SOFIA
et al.) In: Moorwood A. F., Iye M. (eds.), Ground-based Instrumentation
for Astronomy, Proc. SPIE 5492, 1074-1085 (2004)
- Realizing Integral Field Spectroscopy in the
Far-Infrared (Looney, Raab, Poglitsch, and Geis 2003).
Describes the overall optical design of FIFI LS, focusing on the
integral field implementation including the diffraction analysis. PDF format (1.6 MB).
- Entwicklung und Bau des Ferninfrarot-Spektrometers
FIFI LS und ISO-Beobachtungen des galaktischen Zentrums (Raab
2003). This is Walfried Raab's Ph.D. dissertation based on much of the
design of FIFI LS and ISO observations of the Galactic center. In
German only. PDF format (25 MB).
- FIFI LS: a Far-Infared 3D Spectral Imager for SOFIA
(Looney et al. 2002). Overall FIFI LS paper for SPIE conference in
Kona. PDF format (534 kB).
- FIFI LS: the Optical Design and Diffraction
Analysis (Raab et al. 2002). FIFI LS optical design paper for
SPIE conference in Kona. PDF
format (1241 kB).
- Stressed Ge:Ga Detector Arrays for PACS and FIFI LS
(Rosenthal 2002). This is Dirk Rosenthal's invited paper on stressed
Ge:Ga detector development at the Far-Infrared, Sub-mm, & mm
Detector Technology Workshop at Monterey. PDF
format (470 kB).
- Entwicklung eines Ferninfrarotdetektorarrays und
ISO SWS Beobachtungen molekularen Wasserstoffs im
Sternentstehungsgebiet OMC 1 (Rosenthal 2001). This is Dirk
Rosenthal's Ph.D. dissertation, based on the FIFI LS stressed Ge:Ga
detector development and ISO observations of the OMC 1. In German only.
PDF format (24.2 MB).
- Charakterisierung der Lichtsammelhörner eines
flächnefüllenden Detektors für die Ferninfrarotastronomie
(Kramer 2001). This is Oliver Kramer's Diplomarbeit based on
experiments of the FIFI LS lightcones. In German only. Word format (7 MB).
- Realizing 3D Spectral Imaging in the Far-Infrared:
FIFI LS (Looney et al. 2000). This is a detailed SPIE paper
about the FIFI LS instrument. (March 2000) Gzipped
- 16x25 Ge:Ga Detector Arrays for FIFI LS
(Rosenthal et al. 2000) This is a SPIE paper about the FIFI LS detector
arrays. (March 2000) Gzipped Postscript
(1.8 MB).
- FIFI LS Specs: This is a two-page general
overview of the capabilities of FIFI LS in PDF format, suitable for
printing. to view this document. (May 1999) From our local webserver in Germany (320
kB) or
From the SOFIA web site in the US (320 kB)
- FAA PDR: This is our presentation for the
Federal Aviation Administration's Preliminary Design Review of FIFI LS.
Any instrument flying on SOFIA is required to pass a design review to
ensure the instrument's airworthiness. This document contains the
preliminary designs of the cryostat, mechanisms, optics, electronics,
etc. (Dec 1998) Available in: Power Point (4.1
MB) and Gzipped Power Point (3.7 MB).
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