c/o Albrecht Poglitsch
Postfach 1312
85741 Garching, Germany
Tel: +49 - 89 - 30000 - Ext
Ext 3272 FIFI Fax
Ext 3924 FIFI Lab
Ext 3922 Mouse Lab

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MPE FIFI LS Team Members:

Albrecht Poglitsch

Walfried Raab

Fabio Fumi (right)

Picture of Albrecht Picture of Walli Picture of Fabio

Ext: -3293

Ext: -3226

Ext: -3687

alpog (at) mpe mpg de

raab (at) mpe mpg de

fumi (at) mpe mpg de

Norbert Geis

Rainer Hönle

Picture of Norbert Picture of Rainer

Ext: -3389

Ext: -3732

ngeis (at) mpe mpg de

hoenle (at) mpe mpg de

USRA/UC Berkeley FIFI LS Team Members:

Randolf Klein

Picture of Randolf

+1-650-604-4507 (USRA)

+1-510-643-4303 (UCB)

rklein (at) sofia usra edu

University of Illinois FIFI LS Team Members:

Leslie Looney

Picture of Leslie

phone: 001 217 244 3615

lwl (at) uiuc edu

Former FIFI LS Team Members:

Alex Urban

Picture of Alex

Matthias Rumitz

Picture of Matthias

Oliver Kramer

Picture of Oliver

Dirk Rosenthal

Picture of Dirk

Werner Viehhauser

Picture of Jimmy

Mario Schweitzer

Picture of Mario

Heinz Dohnalek

Picture of Heinz

Murad Hamidouche

Picture of Murad

If you have questions concerning this site, please contact: rklein (at) berkeley edu